George Bush said he may use troops to section off parts of the USA if an avian flu pandemic hit. He described the occurrence of a flu pandemic as a serious catastrophe.
He said he was very concerned about what an avian flu pandemic could mean to his country and the rest of the world. After receiving criticism for not reacting fast and effectively enough after the Katrina hurricane, Bush seems to be intent on making sure he is ready for the likely avian flu threat. "I take this issue very seriously," Bush said. "The policy decisions for a president in dealing with an avian flu outbreak are difficult. One example: If we had an outbreak somewhere in the United States, do we not then quarantine that part of the country? And how do you then enforce a quarantine? It's one thing to shut down your airplanes; it's another thing to prevent people from coming in to get exposed to the avian flu. And who is best able to affect a quarantine? One option is the use of a military."
He went on to say that he is urging leaders of other nations to ensure they have an effective and reliable system in place before the flu pandemic strikes. He did not go as far as predicting a pandemic. However, he said it is imperative that people are thinking about it and taking measure.
He said the avian flu threat will get dangerous when it evolves from going from bird to person, to person-to-person. He stressed the need to have rapid reporting to WHO of the virus' change (person-to-person transmission) so that 'we can deal with a potential pandemic'.
US Health and Human Services Secretary, Mike Leavitt, is visiting Asia next weak where he can assess the threat himself.
The Republican Leader of the Senate, Bill Frist, a medical doctor, said the question of a pandemic striking is not 'if' anymore, it is 'when'.
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